Services für air traffic management, airports und airlines (AAA)

Forecasting and analysis tools as a basis for optimizing operational processes

Austro Control Digital Services provides sophisticated forecasting and analysis tools that can significantly improve operational processes in the AAA sector. The profound understanding of processes and interconnections within the industry meets the competence to link the right data and unlock potentials for optimization.

Austro Control Digital Services has direct access to the know-how of the parent company Austro Control and provides future-oriented tools that help to optimize the processes of the stakeholders.

Austro Control Digital Services delivers significant contributions to future-oriented air traffic management in line with the highest safety standards.

Our solutions

Use Case

CONVOY (convection detection and nowcasting system)

Services for air traffic management, airports und airlines (AAA)
Reliable early detection of convective cells as an objective basis for operational decisions
Use Case

Mountain waves forecasts

Services für air traffic management, airports und airlines (AAA)
Forecast model for predicting the intensity of wave activity in the atmosphere
Use Case

NAUTILUS thunderstorm forecasts

Services for air traffic management, airports und airlines (AAA)
One of the most advanced weather models for accurate forecasting of thunderstorm development
Use Case

SIMONA visibility detection

Services for air traffic management, airports und airlines (AAA)
AI based system to detect visibility from webcam images
Use Case

TRAVIS flight trajectory prediction

Services for air traffic management, airports und airlines (AAA)
AI based flight trajectory prediction taking severe weather into account